Goods transport Poland
Goods transport Poland, from Poland and to Poland. From Poland we transport automotive and
electrotechnical components, but we also provide e.g. the transport of foodstuff.
After the democracy was established in 1989, Poland started liberal economic reforms and transformation of its economy and today it is one of the most successful economies in the Eastern Europe in terms of GDP growth. However, the GDP per person still remains the lowest in the Central Europe. The share of agriculture on GDP is also 2.5 %. As it is the case in many other countries, the apparently high growth (however, it is lower than in Slovakia) from lower basis meant only a kind of catching up with surrounding countries which did not experience such an economic decline in 1970´s and 1980´s as Poland.
In addition to the transformation of the economy Poland also realized the privatisation of small, medium and big state enterprises. It caused the growth of unemployment (15.5 % in 2006), but on the other hand, new investors brought their know-how and new technologies to their companies. It guarantees a long term growth of Polish economy. The biggest sales were the sale of Telekomunikacja Polska to France Telecom in 2000 and the sale of 30 % shares of Polish bank, PKO BP, on Polish stock exchange in 2004.
Poland has one of the biggest agrosectors in Europe, employing more than 14 % of population. The transformation of health care, education system, pension system and government management caused the pressure on budget. However, Poland absorbed the majority of the investments determined for the Eastern Europe in the process of transformation. The growth of GDP was high in 1993-2000 with a short decline in 2001-2002.
Poland has a little developed transport network. The length of railways is 23,420 km and of roads 382,000 km. There are 21 million registered cars and 4.5 million trucks in Poland (2010).
Poland has 8 main airports, 122 airports and 8 pads. The length of waterways and channels is 3,812 km. Merchant marine includes 144 ships and other 100 registered ones out of the country. The main ports in Poland are Gdansk, Gdyňa, Kolobrzeg, Štetín, Swinoujscie, Ustka, Warsaw a Vroclav.