Goods transport Croatia
Goods transport Croatia, transport from Croatia and to Croatia From Croatia we transport electrotechnical components, but we also
provide e.g. the transport of foodstuff.
In Croatia there were 28,344 km of roads in 2006. 23,979 km of them were paved, 1,050 km of them were highways (autoceste). Croatia has made a huge progress in the highway construction since the declaration of independence in 1991. The majority of highway sections is charged, except of the ring road around Zagreb.
The majority of population earns to live in agriculture, as small peasants, or they breed animals. The most important raw material of the country is bauxite on Istria peninsula, which gave the start to aluminium plants. The characteristic industrial sectors of Croatian industry are the sectors with great demands on the number of workforce (electronics, metal processing), but oil processing and ship construction play an important role in the agricultural life of the country especially on the coast and in ports. The industrial production concentrate in 2 areas. The first one is the area of Middle Croatia with the economic centres of Zagreb, Osijek, Sisak, Karlovac and Varazdin. The other one is the area of seaside with the ports of Rijeka and Split with the industry that is typical for port complexes. There is the oil terminal Omišalj on the island of Krk, which is also accessible for the biggest tankers. There begins the oil pipeline Adria. One of its branches finishes in Slovakia. Agriculture is advanced. The inhabitants of the coast with the Mediterranean climate grow olives, grapes, figs, almonds and citrus fruits.
The production of tobacco is important. Wheat, sugar beet, corn, sunflower and fodder is grown in Slavonia (the area between the rivers Drava and Sava), where continental climate dominates. The important is also the breeding of cattle, pigs and poultry. Sheep and goats are bred in mountains. Fishing is very important.