Goods transport Bulgaria
Goods transport Bulgaria. From Bulgaria we transport the components for engineering industry.
Economy: The country´s economy has the typical signs of post communist economy. In comparison to the other former socialist states of Europe, heavy industry was not represented to such an extend in the economy of Bulgaria. Food processing industry was the only one which stood out in terms of light industry. Nowadays the country is being transformed to market economy. The loss of the market of the former socialist countries caused the drop of production, the growth of unemployment and inflation. Industry is at the leading position within the economy. Together with building industry is employs more than 40 % of economically active population and forms 60 % of GDP.
Energetic industry is based on the thermal power plants using lignite (50 % of electricity production). Another part of electricity is achieved from the top water power plants on the South-West of the country. The nuclear power plant in Kozloduj by Danube has the power of 2,760 MW and it is one of the buildings of communist gigantomania. Petrochemical industry depends on the import of oil from Russia.
The main industrial sectors are mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical industry, food processing and textile industry.
Electronics has started to develop only recently.
Mechanical engineering is concentrated especially in the region of Sofia, Varna, Burgas and Plovdiv. It produces electric motors, tractors, agricultural machinery, ships and cordless platform trolleys.
Chemical industry is focused on the production of fertilizers and plastic.
Food processing industry processes domestic materials.
Textile industry: (Gabrovo, Varna, Ruse, Sofia) cotton, wool and silk.
Economic sectors:
The industrial basins of South-Western mountainous area of Bulgaria (basin of Sofia, basin of Pernic) have an important place in the country´s economy. There is mechanical engineering, chemical industry, food processing and textile industry as well as metallurgy and heavy engineering (Sofia, Pernik, Kremikovci).
Region of Marica: (around the river Marica) on the South, is an important for energetic, mining, mechanical engineering and food processing industry. It includes the industrial cities of Plovdiv, Dimitrovgrad, Stara Zagora. The valley Hornotrácka has perfect conditions for agricultural production.
The coast of Black Sea with the ports of Varna and Burgas does not profit from its good geographical location, yet. The area is focused on processing the raw materials from Russia and Ukraine.
The area of Danube: it has an agricultural hinterland with an important industrial axis of Danube. The industrial centres are Ruse and Pleven.