Goods transport Bosnia Herzegovina
Goods transport Bosnia Herzegovina. From Bosnia Herzegovina we transport electrotechnical and automotive components, but
we also provide e.g. the transport of machinery and furniture.
Bosnia Herzegovina belongs to the unique examples of countries in terms of the coexistence of various cultures and religions. That´s the reason why architecture, the art of sculpture and music almost reached the perfection. The oldest historical monuments in the area of the country are wall cave paintings in Bodan and the archeological site in Butmir. There are many sights from the period of Roman Empire, too. The culture was developing during the dominance of The Ottoman Empire and cities such as Sarajevo, Mostar and Tulza were founded. Then the boom of architecture happened and the bridge in Mostar was built. The country is crushingly mountainous with many rivers. The country declared independence in 1992. However, there was the civil war short time after. Muslims and Serbs signed the peace treaty in 1995. The country is supervised by the European Union.
Even though Bosnia Herzegovina is a backward country, it has vast forests and mineral resources (iron ore, bauxite, brown coal, rock salt). The main industrial sectors are ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering (especially military production) and chemical industry. The structure of industry is unilateral, outdated and little competitive. There is a long tradition of carpet weaving, which developed from domestic production. Wood processing industry developed based on the vast forests. A part of the population breed sheep and grow tobacco.