Goods transport Macedonia
Goods transport Macedonia. From Macedonia we transport fruit and food of agricultural production.
The name and symbols of the state are related to the historical Macedonia. Greece does not like that, since it includes a major part of the area and modern Greeks have historical, cultural and genetic connection to Ancient Macedonians.
Macedonia is a mountainous inland state in the central part of Balkan, in a sensitive area, where ethnic and political interests of Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania come to conflict. Macedonia actually has nothing in common with the ancient empire of Alexander II. of Macedon, apart from its name. Due to its position Macedonia is determined to be a bridge between Greece and Slavic Balkan.
The Republic of Macedonia (it was admitted to United Nations under the temporary name of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, abbreviated as FYROM) is a state situated on Balkan. Its neighbours are Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Albania.
Macedonia is a mountainous inland state in the central part of Balkan, in a sensitive area, where ethnic and political interests of Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania come to conflict. Macedonia actually has nothing in common with the ancient empire of Alexander II. of Macedon, apart from its name. Due to its position Macedonia is determined to be a bridge between Greece and Slavic Balkan.
Macedonia is an industrial-agricultural state. Its economy is mainly based on the cultivation of cereals. The areas with mild climate are good for the cultivation of cotton-plant, rice, citrus fruits and tobacco. You can also find there poppy, potatoes, sugar beet and grapes which is used for the production of quality vine. Zinc, chrome, iron, brown coal and asbestos are extracted from land. Despite industrialisation and natural resources Macedonia remains one of the poorest Balkan states. However, the government managed to gain significant success – the economy is currently stable, the inflation is controlled.