Goods transport the Czech Republic
Goods transport the Czech Republic, transport from the Czech Republic and to the Czech Republic From the Czech Republic
we transport automotive and electrotechnical components, but we also provide e.g. the transport of foodstuff.
The key raw materials extracted in the Czech Republic are black and brown coal, kaolin or construction materials and uranium. Oil, natural gas and other raw materials are extracted in small amounts.
The agricultural production nearly covers the domestic consumption. The main products of agriculture are cereals (wheat, barley, corn), sugar beet, vegetables, flax and rape. Cultivation of hop and viticulture is also important. An important product as well as export goods is beer. The basic elements of animal production are the breeding of cows, pigs and poultry, bee-keeping and breeding of freshwater fish (mainly carps).
The main energy producers are coal and nuclear power plants (Temelín and Dukovany). The main industrial centres are Prague, the regions of Brno, Ostrava and Plzen. The important industrial sectors include metallurgy, mechanical engineering, textile industry, food processing industry, electrical industry and production of transport means. Building industry is the most dynamic and developing sector. The Czech Republic has a dense network of transport.
After many years of passive balance the foreign trade of the Czech Republic showed surplus in 2005. Automotive industry is the most significant export article. A lot of goods are exported to Germany for automotive industry from the Czech Republic as well as from Slovakia. An advantage is a good road connection between Plzen, Prague, Brno which are on the highway. Many companies moved their production from Germany to the Czech Republic due to this reason. They profit from lower production costs.